Darkness & Light

February 09, 2010
written @ 6:07 p.m.

The Forbidden Drawer

Flooded with broken promises
Filled with my tears
There in the corner of my room
Lies my forbidden drawer

Whispering at night
With voices of my past

The agony
The pain
The love
And the hate

Locked up to be forgotten
Waiting in ambush for my carelessness to rediscover
And stop my heart from beating
If only for a split second

Haunted pictures
Taken when the world was warm and bright
Crumbled up papers
Revealing my failures
Miscellaneous so harmless to a stranger�s eye
Unknowing that each little piece is a jab,
A stab to the heart

There the innocent drawer sits
Quietly keeping what were once
My hopes,
My dreams,
My smiles,
My happiness

It has consumed it all
Like a vicious animal of red eyes
Lurking in the shadows
Eternally trying to satisfy its hunger

Setting it on fire cannot destroy what the drawer holds inside
For the memories of every single piece live within
My memories,
Within my heart,
Inside my soul


Waiting in ambush for my carelessness to rediscover
And stop my heart from beating
If only for a split second

Realm Of Light
Realm Of Darkness
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