Darkness & Light

June 27, 2006
written @ 12:46 a.m.

The Clueless Optimist

Lovely girl of sensitive features and fragile mind, dripping endless optimism upon my window.
Childishly she wonders if this will be the one; the one that takes her away from the mundane, from her day to day, from her current life.
A prince in urban clothing, speaking words of which I do not comprehend.
His oversize pants and thick long hair which covers what I believe to be his face have replaced the white horse and the suit of armor.
His stance is of arrogance as though he has defeated his enemy and won victory for his kingdom.
But he is a dream to her and with one glance I can tell he has stolen her heart.
I fail to find the words to express my dissatisfaction and I come to comprehend no words were created for me to share.
This is the road my sweet has chosen for herself and there is no bungee cord strong enough to pull her back.
I hide my dismay well and replace it with a half smile that on any other day could have been seen as a nervous twitch.
Her endless optimism carries her through another day and she patiently waits each day to hear his voice.
Forgiving his absence and offering her secrets without reservation.
I becomes we, his wishes become hers and I lose her somewhere in his piles of disregard scattered all over the relationship.
I know that soon she will cry and she will wonder. I know that many nights will be spent awake and rivers will swell with her tears of dissolution.
My words will be in vain to buildup all that he has broken and I will only have my arms to wrap around her wounded spirit.
Yet, despite all that she risk she has fallen, fallen so deep the light is but a firefly on a dark night in between the fog.
She carries no worry as though immune to pain, as though immune to her past mistakes. She sheds her skin of old memories and once again she is reborn the clueless optimist.

Realm Of Light
Realm Of Darkness
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