Darkness & Light

September 12, 2006
written @ 12:00 a.m.

The Stubborn Heart

Even in this scarred heart of mine lies a soft spot that one only you have found.
Broken are the wheels that turn sentiment into logic. My head is filled with words that want to speak to you, reach you and bring you here. My feet pace with anxiety and I struggle to stop them from escaping, from taking the next train ride and running to you. I fear nothing but never seeing you again. What is it about you my lovely man that has turned my own will and my own body against me? Have you bewitched my thoughts and entranced my soul to love you eternally? �Come back� the voice within me speaks, �come back� can you hear its call? Will these two words travel the universe and meet us again in some parallel existence? Or will they retreat to us once more many years from now in another life? I can only hold to hope and speak to you in dreams that our saga has an ending to my hearts content.

Realm Of Light
Realm Of Darkness
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