Darkness & Light

January 30, 2006
written @ 9:46 p.m.

Embrace Me

Don�t hate me, love me, embrace me for who I am. Different.

I don�t look like you or sound like you.
My eyes aren�t green nor they�re blue, embrace me.

My nails aren�t styled and my breast aren�t perky, my teeth aren�t straight and my hair is rebellious, embrace me.

We don�t stand the same way or have the same height, our taste in music is a clash, our ideals are divergent, embrace me.

Our skins shades away, our life goals opposing, I talk and you sit, I laugh and you frown, embrace me.

What I love you tend to hate, what I only dream you tend to do, when I embrace you embrace me harder.

We are but one skin, one kind, one heart, we bleed and we love. We sob and we smile, we laugh until we cry. We are but one kind very similar from afar, embrace me. Oh my sister, embrace me.

Realm Of Light
Realm Of Darkness
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