Darkness & Light

January 11, 2018
written @ 2:06 a.m.

Blue Moon Ecstasy

Moon Magick,
Blue Magick,
I know you so well.
You call upon your child
To cast a moon spell.
The energy brews within me,
As you softly whisper through my raven hair,
"Come my child, it's time for us to meet out there".
Where the stars are eternal on a black cauldron night,
Where Mother Moon in full bloom, in splendor and delight.
We share this energy, through her I Am fully aware,
Like a black cat at night sees magick in the air.
And so this coming Blue Moon,
You better prepare,
With music and candles,
For this midnight affair.
And together our soul bodies,
In union will share,
This magick and passion,
Our souls quietly store there.

Realm Of Light
Realm Of Darkness
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