Darkness & Light

May 31, 2009
written @ 11:56 p.m.

My Lovely K Twin

I�ve known you what feels like forever
We�ve both come and gone
And over the course of our time
I�ve trusted you with my secrets
I�ve shared with you my deepest pain
We�ve laughed at the stupidest jokes.

You make me comfortable to be myself.
You remember what I�ve said,
Even thought I cannot recall half the things you�ve told me.
You find me endearing.
You take me as I am

You�ve charmed me with your tenderness,
Your considerate nature.
Your thoughtfulness
Your goofy jokes
Your funny accent

Coming to you is like coming home to a sincere embrace.
I trust you with my fragile self when I trust no one else.
In a world of skeptical awareness I believe in you.
Your love protects me from the world around me.

I�ve loved you and I didn�t know it.
Until Now�
Now you�re all that I can think of.
This heart beats the happiest beats
This voice sings the sweetest melodies.
These lips smile rays of sunshine at the thought of seeing you.

And thus I long for your embrace.
And I anticipate what meeting you shall be like.
Your eyes meeting mine I desire more then ever

That connection that happens when two lovers stand before each other.
The chills that travel deep into my soul and hit where love has grown.

My sweet, full lips slightly parted awaiting that first kiss we shall share
As my body trembles with all these emotions I have been holding onto for so long.

The eagerness of your arms wrapped around me.
Your scent surrounding me like a security blanket I�ve long to have.

I cannot wait to hold you in my arms, press you firmly to me as to never let go.
Close my eyes while I lean my head on your chest.
Exhale all the sentiment that has been building behind these eyes.
Possibly cry as I�ve missed you so, my Love
I cannot wait, but wait I shall
As I�ve been waiting for you for a very long time.
My Best Friend,
My Love
My Lovely K Twin

Realm Of Light
Realm Of Darkness
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