Darkness & Light

written @

To My Bunny

With a K and a C

He jumps around my yard

This furry cutie

The day so nice and sunny

I like to sit outside

And stare at my bunny

With his cute long ears

And his rabbitie feet

With his soft bushy tail

I give him a treat

He smiles so big

So big and so warm

I give him a hug

And feed him some corn

I take him inside

Just before it gets dark

I want to go to bed

But he wants to go to the park

So I sit next to him

To calm him down soon

As we cuddle together

We look at the moon

I say:

"Look honey, theres your family up high"

Then we wave to the moon

And we tell it 'Goodbye'

Now it's time to sleep

As I lay you on your bed

You look at me so lovely

I kiss you on the head

Before I forget

Before I go to bed

Le t me sing you a song

I love you, all said.


Realm Of Light
Realm Of Darkness
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